2008年10月23日 星期四


The stewed beans are red and fried-plantains are also red. So this dish calls Redred. It is a funndy name, Red Red. Haha!
The white grains are made of dried cassava called "gari" . A mouthful of plantain and the other stewed beans are matching very well.
I feel it is a little greasy because of oily fried plantains and stewed beans. Now that come to hana, it is still worth tasting it for sure.

為什麼叫紅紅呢?因為燉豆子是紅色的,炸芭蕉也是紅色的,二個加給來就是紅紅啦! 真可愛的名字.我覺得這道菜第一次吃還不賴,可是吃久了會覺得有點膩. 因為燉豆子很油,炸芭蕉也油油的. 不過來到迦納還是要試試看哦!


